ICG FARMA has registered the trademark Genco.
ICG FARMA currently holds the registration for the contrast agent Iohexol. This medicinal product is registered in the Baltic states, Sweden and the Netherlands.
Iohexol is widely used in various radiological examinations, e.g. computed tomography (CT). Due to the high-quality images and reliable contrast, Iohexol allows precise assessment of a patient’s anatomical structures and haemodynamics, thus enabling specialists to accurately diagnose the patient’s disease and optimise treatment planning.
Possible side effects of medicinal products may be reported by the following:
Based on the basic principles of identifying, assessing and preventing side effects, our Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance can implement fully customised solutions, in line with a client’s internal processes and procedures.
Supplying medical products to hospitals, pharmacies, clinical research companies and other wholesalers
Providing a full range of services related to clinical research
Supplying veterinary products, including medicine, vaccines, animal health products and feeds